Das einbetten der bot auf Ihrer website von Ihrer Seite Einbetten, indem Sie auf den "Embed" - button. Das einbetten der bot mit JavaScript oder HTML das Embed-Seite bietet 6 unterschiedliche Einbettung von Arten, und viele Optionen. Sie können auch eine website erstellen und die subdomain zu hosten Ihr bot, oder verknüpfen Sie Ihre eigene domain, um Ihre bot ' s Webseite.
Properties | Description |
Subdomain (or domain) | You can choose a subdomain to host your own bot's website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server's ip address. |
Embedding Type | Choose an embedding type. |
Style Sheet | Choose the style sheet for the embedded chat. |
Custom Style Sheet | Custom css for the embedded chat style sheet. |
Button Style | Choose different button style for the embedded chat. |
Location | Choose a location side. |
Language | Choose a language for the text displayed in a embedded chat. |
Ask for Contact Info | Ask the user for their contact information before connecting. |
Show Avatar | Displays bot avatar in the embed chat. |
Show Chat Log | Displays chat log in the embed chat. |
Show Advanced Info | Shows advanced unfo for the embedding chat. |
Caption | The text on the button or link. |
Greeting | Optional greeting to display. |
Farewell | Optional farewell/disconnected message to display. |
Guest User | Guest user to connect as, you need to add this user to your bot's user's. |
Password | Password for guest user (not secure). |
Token | Token for guest user. |
Style Sheet | The CSS style sheet or CSS to customize the page. |
Banner HTML | An HTML script or page to embed as the page banner. |
Footer HTML | An HTML script or page to embed as the page footer. |
Width | The width (in pixels) of the frame, window, or box. |
Height | The height (in pixels) of the frame, window, or box. |
Offset | The offset (in pixels) of the box from the side. |
Color | The color to use for the button or link. |
Background Color | The background color to use. |
Prompt | The text prompt to use in the input (default is 'You say') |
Send | The text for the send button (default is 'Send') |
Avatar Expandable | Choose if the bot's avatar should be expandable. |
Chat Bubble | Print chat message in chat bubble (only for box chat). |
Speak | Choose if the bot's voice should be enabled. |
Allow Speech | Choose if the bot's voice should be allowed. |
Allow Emotes | Choose if emotes and actions should be allowed. |
Allow Correction | Choose if users should be allowed to correct the bot's responses. |
Login Banner | Choose if login banner should be displayed. |
Facebook Login | Choose if facebook login option should be provided. |
Title | Choose if bot's name should be displayed as the title header. |
Backlink | Choose if a backlink to Bot Libre should be displayed (requires Bronse account). |
Show Ads | Choose if the bot's ad show be displayed. |
Show Menu Bar | Choose if menu bar option should be displayed. |
Show Max Button | Choose if max button menu option should be displayed. |
Show Language | Choose if language menu option should be displayed |
Show Send Image | Choose if send image menu option should be displayed |
Wählen Sie eine der 11 verfügbaren button-Stile für die Seite einbetten. Wählen Sie einfach eine beliebige Taste Stil von button-style-drop-down-Menü. Einige der Tasten styles sind unten dargestellt.
Wählen Sie fünf verschiedene Stile für Ihre Einbettung durch auswählen einer bestimmten style-sheet-von Style-Sheet-drop-down-Menü.
Sozialen Chat-Stil
Blaue Chat-Stil
Chat-Stil Pink
Benutzerdefinierte Stile
Fügen Sie Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten style sheet für Ihren einbetten. Wählen Sie einfach custom style aus dem style-sheet drop-down-Menü. Dann geben Sie die url Ihrer benutzerdefinierten Stylesheet in benutzerdefinierten style sheet input-Feld.