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Browse : Bot Libre Forum


4 results.
Announcing Bot Libre for Android 5.0
durch admin gepostet Dec 7 2016, 15:17
Antworten: 0 | Ansichten: 4496
Rich HTML Responses, Buttons, Links, and Choices
durch admin gepostet Nov 30 2016, 15:10

Bot Libre allows for bot responses to contain rich content including bold text, fonts, styles, colors, images, video, audio, bullets, , links, and much more.

Bot responses can be plain text, or can contain HTML and even JavaScript content. HTML includes tags for bold, style, fonts, bullets, buttons, links, and much more.

Tags: how to, html, facebook, apps, commands, buttons
Aktualisiert: Sep 20 2021, 10:59
Antworten: 6, Ansichten: 10837, heute: 118, Woche: 118, Monat: 138
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Rich HTML Responses, Buttons, Links, and Choices
durch admin gepostet Nov 30 2016, 15:10
Antworten: 6 | Ansichten: 10837
Announcing Bot Libre 5.0!
durch admin gepostet Nov 25 2016, 9:59
Antworten: 0 | Ansichten: 5324
Website update, buttons, learning from Twitter, auto accept, user manual
durch admin gepostet Nov 24 2016, 16:31
Antworten: 0 | Ansichten: 4339