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Bot Libre Forum

How to create a continuous conversation?

durch jyambz gepostet Nov 8 2019, 20:47

I am having difficulty creating a continuous conversation. That will allow the user and the bot to communicate. Like happy or sad conversation. Any idea how to begin with.
Thank you very much.

by bobred posted Nov 9 2019, 8:34

i have my chatbot talk about and ask questions about what the users say's to it in the same response.

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by jyambz posted Nov 10 2019, 1:41
For example, a happy or sad conversation with previous and next response. I tried but did not work.Let's say, I started the conversation wih:
User: Hi
Bot: Hello, how are you?
User: I'm sad

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Views: 2067, today: 117, week: 119, month: 129

by jyambz posted Nov 10 2019, 1:47
I used the Hi and How are you as previous response. Separate response from the next response

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Views: 2085, today: 115, week: 117, month: 126

by admin posted Nov 10 2019, 8:57
There are several ways to define conversations for your bot.

These include
  • conversation flows/trees using our response "next" feature
  • topics
  • previous
Normally conversation flows are the best method, as they are isolated and more structured,

If you want a less structured method using topics is a good option. Topics can be isolated/exclusive as well.
You can also have topic specific default responses.

You can also use the response "previous" (AIML "that") to defined context specific response. The previous response is the bot's previous response. You can also have previous specific default responses.


You can also do more advanced things through code using "think", "condition", and Self scripts.

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Views: 2083, today: 113, week: 115, month: 129

by jyambz posted Nov 10 2019, 20:01
I used previous instead of next question. The bot keeps on repeating what I'm saying. I forgot to used option, may be that is why it keeps on repeating the responses

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Views: 2143, today: 125, week: 128, month: 139

by bobred posted Nov 11 2019, 8:55

show me what you did. use snip tool to make a screenshot or just make regular screenshot.

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Views: 1913, today: 123, week: 125, month: 136

by jyambz posted Nov 12 2019, 20:24


Here's the screenshot of what I did and the output:
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by jyambz posted Nov 12 2019, 21:35












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Views: 2171, today: 113, week: 116, month: 125

by jyambz posted Nov 12 2019, 22:30

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Views: 2060, today: 117, week: 119, month: 129

by bobred posted Nov 13 2019, 9:05

you could put I am sad for the question.

And for a new response why are you said?

you could put very very sad for the question. 

and for a new response why are you sad?



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Views: 2041, today: 131, week: 132, month: 141

by admin posted Nov 13 2019, 15:01
Maybe you fixed it, as when I chat with your bot I get,

> Thank you very much
> Okay see you

The reason your bot is repeating some questions is it has no response and no default response.
You should add a default response (such as "Sorry, I do not understand.").

In general never add common words like "you" as a keyword (you can put it as a required word).

When the bot say "I understand...." this response is coming from the "Understanding" script. If you don't want these responses then delete that script.

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Views: 2033, today: 114, week: 118, month: 128

by bobred posted Nov 13 2019, 20:23

click on learning chatlogs and then click on review conversation this week. then answer my questions that will improve your chatbot. think of questions people would ask you or your chatbot. then input that question in the form of keyphrases into the question and type in a appropriate response.

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Views: 2287, today: 122, week: 125, month: 139

by jyambz posted Nov 14 2019, 1:12
I did that. The only mistake that I made was using the next flow structure which leads to that kind of problem

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Views: 2423, today: 117, week: 121, month: 132

by jyambz posted Nov 14 2019, 1:16
I also have a default response : Are you happy or sad? but unfortunately it did not work that way. She never utter that response. What must I do?
With regards to the next nested structure, it was also unsuccessful, leading to this kind of error

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Views: 2410, today: 125, week: 128, month: 137

by jyambz posted Nov 14 2019, 1:32
My topic conversation will focus on happy or sad conversation

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Views: 2383, today: 120, week: 124, month: 136

by bobred posted Nov 14 2019, 3:32

default responses are only used when a chatbot has nothing else to say. you should only have one of those. greetings are used when a user interacts at the beginning of a conversation with a chatbot. you can have many greetings. when using previous you have to copy one of your rsponses into it with your selected question or response. focus on learning these things.

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Views: 2444, today: 123, week: 126, month: 140

Id: 30099221
Tags: how to
Gepostet: Nov 8 2019, 20:47
Antworten: 16
Ansichten: 2876, heute: 148, Woche: 150, Monat: 164
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