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Bot Libre Forum

i thought this aiml script was right

durch bobred gepostet Sep 29 2018, 16:20

this aiml was right I looked it up and with Sheila bing chatbot it spits out a error.chatbotexample4.zip

by admin posted Sep 30 2018, 8:25
What error do you get?

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Views: 1837, today: 118, week: 120, month: 126

by bobred posted Sep 30 2018, 9:24

here is the error in the zip file.errorx.zip

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Views: 1802, today: 109, week: 112, month: 121

by admin posted Sep 30 2018, 10:28

This error say use are missing an end tag. Your AIML is not valid AIML or even XML.

Change </star> to <star/>

Your original code works fine, but the code in your error is different.

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Views: 1848, today: 114, week: 116, month: 125

by bobred posted Sep 30 2018, 12:50

that worked I look at it wrong in the documentation.

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Views: 1762, today: 114, week: 116, month: 125

Id: 23802839
Tags: programming
Gepostet: Sep 29 2018, 16:20
Antworten: 4
Ansichten: 2302, heute: 125, Woche: 128, Monat: 137
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