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Bot Libre Forum

Website update

durch admin gepostet Oct 7 2015, 10:06

The website was updated.

The update included:

  • new graphics repository and browser
  • redesigned content user interface
  • improved XSS security
  • several minor enhancements and fixes

Graphics Repository

The new graphics repository lets you browse, download, and share graphics and media files. You can share images, videos, and audio files such as 3D renders, pictures, art, clip art, icons, animations, video clips, sounds effects, and music clips.

You can control the access and licensing to your media files.

Only upload content that is licensed as public domain, or open content licensed, or that you own the copyright to. Do not upload any copyright, offensive, or adult content.

The graphics repository includes a open source JavaScript media browser that you can embed on your own website to let your users link shared media. See the GraphicsUploader class in our SDK for usage.

Id: 11648231
Tags: notice, website update, graphics, xss
Gepostet: Oct 7 2015, 10:06
Antworten: 0
Ansichten: 3260, heute: 73, Woche: 76, Monat: 86
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